Pursuing Life and Liberty: Equality in the USA 1945-68


Brief topic overview.
Mind Map by yasmyncharles, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by yasmyncharles almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Pursuing Life and Liberty: Equality in the USA 1945-68
  1. Seeds of Change 1945-55
    1. 1. From Slavery to Segregation
      1. 2. Position of black american in 1945
        1. 3.To Secure These Rights: Truman and The Cold War
          1. 4. Challenging Jim Crow
            1. 5. Raising the profile of civil rights - kicking "Jim Crow" out of school
            2. MLK and Peaceful Protest 1955-68
              1. 1. Early Southern Campaigns 1955-62
                1. 2. Later Southern Campaigns 1963-65
                  1. 3. MLK's last campaigns
                    1. 4. The Role of Federal Government
                      1. 5.Opposition to Change
                        1. 6. The Achievements of Peaceful Protest
                          1. 7. Reasons for Change?
                          2. Black Power
                            1. 1. Malcolm X - an alt vision
                              1. 2. Divisions in the Civil Rights Movement
                                1. 3. The Black Panthers
                                  1. 4. Achievements of the Black Power Movement
                                  2. Protest Culture: The 60s and a generation
                                    1. 1. Mainstream and Counterculture in the 60s
                                      1. 2. Womens Lib
                                        1. 3. Native Americans and Hispanic Americans
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