
Mr Wasleys thingydoo
Meredith W
Mind Map by Meredith W, updated more than 1 year ago
Meredith W
Created by Meredith W about 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. weathering
    1. chem
      1. Acid rain
        1. Carbonic acid
          1. Oxidization
          2. mech
            1. frost wedging
              1. Biological
                1. Root wedging
                2. Uploading
                  1. Land goes oizsAO: and up
                  2. Abrasion
                  3. Factors of rate
                    1. Surface Area
                      1. Climate
                        1. Composition
                        2. THE HECKING SUN
                        3. erosion
                          1. Agents
                            1. Wind
                              1. Ice
                                1. Water
                                  1. Gravilly
                                2. Rock Cycle
                                  1. Metamorphic
                                    1. Foliated
                                      1. Nonfoliated
                                      2. Igneous
                                        1. Extrusive


                                          • cools on the surface (lava flows): less time, so smaller crystals form
                                          1. fine grained/small crystals
                                          2. Intrusive


                                            • cools below the surface where the is more heat---> takes more time to crystallize---> larger crystals can form
                                            1. coarse graines/large crystals
                                          3. Sedimentary
                                            1. Detrital
                                              1. Chemical
                                                1. *Limestone
                                                  1. Phytoplankton
                                                    1. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
                                                      1. Calcite (mineral)
                                                    2. Reacts with
                                                2. c
                                                3. plate tectonics
                                                  1. plate boundaries
                                                    1. convergent
                                                      1. ocean on ocean
                                                        1. mountains
                                                        2. land on land
                                                          1. land on ocean
                                                            1. subduction
                                                          2. divergent
                                                            1. ocean on ocean


                                                              • if not this way at first, will eventually become; sinks down
                                                            2. transform
                                                              1. land on land
                                                                1. san andreas fault, CA
                                                            3. plate boundaries
                                                              1. continental
                                                                1. less dense
                                                                2. oceanic
                                                                  1. more dense
                                                                    1. mostly basalt (igneous)
                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                              The Rock Cycle
                                                              Antonia Blankenberg
                                                              Types of Rocks
                                                              F792 Geology Identifying Rocks
                                                              Izzy Backhouse
                                                              AS Geology - Planetary Geology; Planets of the universe
                                                              Rebecca Giddings
                                                              GCSE Chemistry: The Crust
                                                              Landon Valencia
                                                              Geology- Structural
                                                              Chapter 1: The Nature of Science
                                                              Caroline Conlan
                                                              Geology - 1.1
                                                              Rosina Rennie
                                                              The Rock Cycle
                                                              Izzy Backhouse
                                                              Rocks and Minerals
                                                              Michael LEwis