F792 Geology Identifying Rocks


AS - Level Geology (F792) Flashcards on F792 Geology Identifying Rocks, created by Izzy Backhouse on 16/05/2016.
Izzy Backhouse
Flashcards by Izzy Backhouse, updated more than 1 year ago
Izzy Backhouse
Created by Izzy Backhouse over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What rock group does F belong to and how can you tell? Sedimentary: - contains fossils / is bioclastic - cement only occurs in sedimentary rocks
What rock group does E belong to and how can you tell? Igneous: - contains plagioclase phenocrysts - porphyritic texture - interlocking crystals - no cement
Identify this rock and use it characteristics to explain the environment in which it was deposited. Greywacke: - Deep sea turbidites due to angular, poorly sorted grains. - Rock fragments held in a matrix
Identify this rock and use it characteristics to identify its environment of deposition. Desert Sandstone: - Iron oxide cement forms in oxidising desert conditions. - Well sorted as wind only picks up sediment of one size. - Rounded due to abrasion. - All quartz grains suggesting long period of weathering.
Describe the rock and index minerals found in area 1. Hornfels: - Contains silliminite / andalusite - Rock is crystalline / granoblastic - Coarse crystal size
Describe the rock and index minerals found in area 2. Adalusite slate: - Contains porphyroblasts of andalusite - Medium crystal size
Describe the rock and index minerals found in area 3. Spotted rock: - Contains chlorite, biotite, muscovite - Fine crystal size - Contains spots of recrystallised minerals
What rock is this? -Coarse grained crystalline texture. - Quartz is prominent - Contains K feldspar and some mica Granite
What rock is this? - Fragmental texture - Fine grained - Layering is visible Shale
What rock is this? - Coarse grained crystalline texture - Quartz is prominent - Mainly plagioclase feldspar - some mafic minerals Granodiorite
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