Five Characteristics of Groups


All groups, despite their distinctive characteristics, possess common properties and dynamics
Laura McDaniel
Mind Map by Laura McDaniel, updated more than 1 year ago
Laura McDaniel
Created by Laura McDaniel about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Five Characteristics of Groups
  1. Interaction
    1. Groups create, organize, and sustain relationship and task interactions among members
    2. Goals
      1. Groups have instrumental purposes, for they facilitate the achievement of aims or outcomes sought by the members
      2. Interdependence
        1. Group members depend on one another, in that each member influences and is influenced by each other member
        2. Structure
          1. Groups are organized, with each individual connected to others in a pattern of relationships, rules, and norms
          2. Cohesion
            1. Groups unite members in a bonded network of interpersonal relations recognized by both members of the group and those outside of it
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