Manifest Destiny - Mind Map overview


Some ideas behind manifest destiny, and why it was so admired by White Americans in the 1800s - early 1900s
Deleted user
Mind Map by Deleted user, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Carly Dyball
Created by Carly Dyball over 10 years ago
Robert Apter
Copied by Robert Apter almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Manifest Destiny
  1. Building America as a completed nation
    1. Hope, glory
      1. Exploration and discovery
        1. God-given right
          1. White Christians
            1. Gave people the confidence to 'fight for God'
              1. People taking the land
                1. Moving out of the darkness
                  1. 'Chase away' Native Americans
                    1. Making the land 'civalized'
                    2. To conquer
                      1. To settle the entire continent
                        1. From the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean
                        2. A new start
                          1. Unsettled land
                            1. Free land
                              1. Fertile land
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