Psychology | Unit 3 | Relationships - Sexual Selection


A mind map of the main points and studies on the relationship between sexual selection and human reproductive behavior
Emily Woods
Mind Map by Emily Woods, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by showmestarlight over 10 years ago
Emily Woods
Copied by Emily Woods over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Psychology | Unit 3 | Relationships - Sexual Selection
  1. Types of Sexual Selection
    1. Intersexual (mate choice)
      1. Intrasexual (mate competition)
      2. Gender Differences
        1. Males
          1. Greater desire for casual sex.
            1. Seek sex early on in relationship.
              1. More women impregnated means more genes passed on.
                1. Over short-term men appear to lower standards compared to women.
                2. Females
                  1. Not subjected to same evolutionary pressures as men.
                    1. Less benefits from casual sex.
                    2. In the long-term, both sexes typically invest heavily in any offspring.
                    3. Preferences
                      1. Males
                        1. Physical attractiveness
                          1. Younger partners
                          2. Females
                            1. Resources
                            2. Both sexes look for mates who are intelligent, kind, and dependable.
                            3. Research Support
                              1. Penton-Voak et al. (1999) mate choice & menstrual cycle
                                1. Buss's study of 37 cultures- men do choose younger women
                                  1. Nettle and Clegg (2006) creativity evolved as a result of sexual selection
                                  2. Limitations
                                    1. Validity Issues - Preferences are not the same as choices.
                                      1. Female preferences for high-status men may not be universal (Buller, 2005).
                                        1. Cultural traditions as important as evolutionary forces (Bernstein, 2015)
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