Public Health in Roman Britain


User has deleted their subject information Mind Map on Public Health in Roman Britain, created by Deleted user on 03/10/2016.
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Millie Carver
Created by Millie Carver about 10 years ago
Dee Grudge
Copied by Dee Grudge over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Public Health in Roman Britain
  1. Aqueducts and Pipes
    1. clean water in towns
      1. rich had running water
        1. lead pipes
        2. Public Baths
          1. most towns had baths
            1. socialise and exercise
              1. cleaned
                1. baths not cleaned frequently
                2. Area
                  1. knew of link between clean and disease
                    1. built towns away from swamps
                    2. Sewers
                      1. removed waste
                      2. Roman Empire
                        1. wealthy
                          1. provided public health
                            1. more to spend on infrastructure and education
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