Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence


concept map of the bill of rights and the declaration of independence
Sadie Martin
Mind Map by Sadie Martin, updated more than 1 year ago
Sadie Martin
Created by Sadie Martin over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence
  1. The Bill of Rights was written so that the new government ensured the rights of the American people. the Declaration of Independence was written to declare independence from England.
    1. The Bill of Rights stated the peoples rights living in America.
      1. the Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791
        1. Has multiple amendments making the people aware of their rights including their rights to bare arms, their freedom of speech, and their freedom of religion.
        2. The Declaration of Independence was written to declare America's independence from England.
          1. the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776
            1. The Declaration of Independence contained a list of grievances that they didn't like about the king including taxation, the right to a fair trial, and cutting off the trade to other colonies.
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