

Mind Map on Transplantation, created by sam.hilton on 01/05/2013.
Mind Map by sam.hilton, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sam.hilton over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Transplantable tissues
    1. Skin
      1. Kidnney
        1. Liver
          1. Heart
            1. Lung
              1. Pancreas
                1. Cornea
                  1. Bone Marrow
                    1. Face
                    2. Types
                      1. Autograft
                        1. Allograft
                          1. Isograft
                            1. Xenograft
                              1. Problems
                                1. Antibodies
                                  1. Hyperacute rejection
                                    1. Alpha1-3Gal
                                      1. transgenic pigs?
                                  2. Complement
                                    1. PERVS
                                2. Matching
                                  1. MHC
                                    1. MLR
                                      1. ABO
                                      2. Graft rejection
                                        1. Types
                                          1. Hyperacute
                                            1. ABO missmatch
                                              1. Pre existing antibodies
                                            2. Acute
                                              1. MHC missmatch
                                              2. Chronic
                                              3. T cell response
                                                1. Direct/indirect allorecognition
                                                2. Minor H antigens
                                                  1. MHC I
                                                    1. Polymorphic self proteins
                                                  2. GVHD
                                                    1. Immunosuppresive drugs
                                                      1. Cyclosporin A
                                                        1. Tacrolimus
                                                          1. Blocks calcineurin
                                                            1. dephosphorylation of NF-AT blocked
                                                              1. IL-2 blocked
                                                          2. Sirolimus
                                                            1. Binds mTOR
                                                              1. Prevents cell cycle in t cells
                                                            2. Side effects
                                                              1. Other drugs
                                                                1. Prednisone
                                                                  1. Azathioprine
                                                                    1. Anti-CD3 antibodies
                                                                      1. siRNA
                                                                        1. Tregs
                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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