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American Strategy and Tactics-Vietnam War
Cambridge IGCSE and GCSE History Mind Map on American Strategy and Tactics-Vietnam War, created by Millie Berrett on 03/03/2014.
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vietnam war
cambridge igcse and gcse
Mind Map by
Millie Berrett
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Millie Berrett
almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
American Strategy and Tactics-Vietnam War
Aerial Bombing
Regular air attacks on North Vietnam
Dropped bombs on key positions in order to cripple North Vietnam's economy
Make it difficult for supplies to reach the Viet Cong
Lasted from March 1965-November 1968
Only intended to last 8 weeks but lasted a total of 3 years
1 million tons of bombs were dropped
US hoped that operation Rolling Thunder might halt the flow of Northern troops into the South
Not very accurate
Sometimes Us troops ended up getting bombed
Civilans were often hurt as well as enemy troops
Air strikes were called to places where there may or may not be enemy troops so therefore it may have been a waste of time and resources
Difficult to get the bombs to hit the target directly
Bombs that when in contact with the ground released flaming petroleum jelly
Like a burning shower
Stuck to anything: Houses, forest, human skin
Sprayed from US planes and river boats
400,000 tons of napalm was dropped by the US on to suspected enemy targets
Destroyed plants
US had problems finding out where the Ho Chi Minh trail was
Defoliants were sprayed over suspected parts of the traiil
By destroying the plants it made it easier to see supplies being moved
Over 4 million Vietnamese civilians were exposed to the poisonous gasses
Over 400,00 deaths related to Agent orange
500,00 children born with birth defects linked to the acids
Got into water supplies
77 million litres of defoliant sprayed over vietnam
Best defoliant known as Agent Orange
Search and Destroy
Idea to find the Viet Cong in the Jungle and in villages
Began in 1965
Viet Cong disguised as civilians
Made it hard for US to tell the difference between peasants and the Viet Cong
Mai Lai masscre
March 16th 1968
Fired at civilians in the Village
harmless people injured and killed
Many men were at work so not affecteed
Zippo raids
burnt down huts
made the Vietnamese hate the Americans more
More Viet Cong Support
Strategic Hamlets were set up in 1962
Peasants hated this idea and many joined the Viet Cong
US moved villagers away from Viet Cong
Idea was to isolate the Viet Cong from Villages
Blockaded ports to stop supplies
Bombarded positions where aircraft carriers were
Pineapple Bombs dropped on Villages creating pressure in hospitals
Media attachments
zippo_raids (image/jpg)
defoliants (image/png)
agent_orange (image/jpg)
napalm (image/jpg)
napalm_1 (image/jpg)
us_boat (image/jpg)
bombing (image/jpg)
rolling_thunder.JPG (image/JPG)
mai_lai (image/jpg)
my_lai_1 (image/jpg)
strategic_hamlets (image/jpg)
plane_on_fire (image/jpg)
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