
Mind Map on THE DELHI SULTANATE, created by MOHITH Viswanadh on 20/07/2016.
MOHITH Viswanadh
Mind Map by MOHITH Viswanadh, updated more than 1 year ago
MOHITH Viswanadh
Created by MOHITH Viswanadh about 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. The Mamlak dynasty
    1. Qutbuddin Aibak
      1. 1206-10
        1. He established the kingdom The Delhi Sultunate
          1. He consolidated his existing territories
            1. Tried to set up an efficient administrative structure
              1. He shifted his capital from Lahore to Delhi
                1. Aibak was known as Laksh Baksh
                  1. He began the construction of qutb minar and Quwwatul Islam Mosque.
                    1. He died due to an accident while playing Polo
                    2. Iltumish
                      1. 1210-36
                        1. First real ruler of The Delhi Sultanate
                          1. Re-established control over territories that had got conquered after aibak's death
                            1. He saved the Kingdom from the Mongol Invasion
                              1. He gave the turkish nobles territories
                                1. Iltumish defeated and seized the Rajput Kingdoms
                                  1. Made Bihar and Bengal part of his sultan
                                  2. Razia Sultan
                                    1. 1236-39
                                      1. Powerful nobles could not accept women as a ruler
                                        1. Nobles were jealous of Yakut's position
                                          1. The nobles rebelled against Razia and she was overthrown and killed
                                          2. Nasirrudin Mahmud
                                            1. 1246-65
                                              1. He was inexperienced
                                                1. The real power behind his throne was Balban
                                                2. Ghiyasuddin Balban
                                                  1. 1265-87
                                                    1. Ruled with an Iron Fist
                                                      1. He broke the power of chahalgani group
                                                        1. He set up an efficient spy system to ensure everyone were loyal to the kingdom
                                                          1. Introduced ceremonies like prostration before the Monarch
                                                        2. The Khilji Dynasty
                                                          1. Jalauddin Khilji
                                                            1. 1290-96
                                                              1. Founder of Khilji Dynasty
                                                              2. Alauluddin Khilji
                                                                1. 1296-1316
                                                                  1. First turkish sultan to build an empire in india
                                                                    1. Brilliant general and a shrewd administrator
                                                                      1. Under him the delhi sultunate witnessed a period of territorioal expansion
                                                                        1. First campaign against Gujarat
                                                                          1. He went on to seize Malwa , Ranthambore,Chittor and Jalore
                                                                            1. Allauddin invaded Devagiri in the Deccan
                                                                              1. In 1306 CE
                                                                                1. Was led by his trusted general Malik Kafur.
                                                                                  1. Was easily defeated and annexed.
                                                                                    1. Malik Kafur was given charge of all the southern campaigns.
                                                                                      1. He also went on to subdue Warangal and the hoysala kingdom.
                                                                                      2. He kept the nobility under his control with the spy system
                                                                                        1. He banned wine parties.He himself stopped drinking
                                                                                      3. The Tuglaq Dynasty


                                                                                        • tg
                                                                                        • y
                                                                                        • h
                                                                                        1. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
                                                                                          1. 1320-1324
                                                                                            1. To improve the state's finances he improved agriculture .
                                                                                              1. He added Telangana , Jajnagar , Bengal to his kingdom
                                                                                              2. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
                                                                                                1. He was ruler and a scholar
                                                                                                  1. He was interested in logic,grammar, science and literature.
                                                                                                    1. 1324-51
                                                                                                      1. He had a deep sense of justice and an open mind
                                                                                                        1. His empire
                                                                                                          1. Deccan , southern , orrisa , bengal states
                                                                                                          2. Shifted the capital from Delhi to Devagiri
                                                                                                            1. He forced the whole population to shift which caused many deaths.He had to shift it back 2 years later
                                                                                                            2. Introduced token currency
                                                                                                              1. Failed.
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