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To what extent was detente a successful method of conducting Cold War conflict?
History Mind Map on To what extent was detente a successful method of conducting Cold War conflict?, created by CongoCooonnell on 25/04/2013.
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To what extent was detente a successful method of conducting Cold War conflict?
Europe Detente
Brandt established links between East and West as a method of reducing barriers.
Result included several treaties that recognised realities of the situation
Poland and Soviet Union accepted Oder-Niesse line as a Polish-German border.
Also recognised border between East and West Germany
Basic Treaty 1972 accepted existence of East Germany
This helped to increase trade links between two countries
USA, France, Britain gained legal basis for access routes to West Berlin
It was not an abandonment of reunification
Ospolotik abandoned, Hallstein Doctrine
Designed to snub Germany by refusing to recognise its existence as an imperial state
Reduced tension in Europe - Contributing to Detente
Had to accept Soviet control over Eastern Europe
This gave legal recognition to Soviet Union
Reinforced division of Cold War Europe
An Assessment od Detente
Achievement of detente meant superpower relations were stabilised and risks minimalised
Armanents increased in this period, signed agreements were ignored
E.G SALT 2 and Helsinki
Detente did not reduce tensions in all areas of international relations
USSR + China tension remained high
Third world conflicts, Afghanistan showed USSR extended its influence during detente
This situation produced suspicion and mistrust and let to the brekdown of detente in december 1979.
Collapse of Detente showed its fragility
Interpretations of Detente
Left and central spectrum American historians viewed detente as a positive step that had a stabilising effect on relations
This was the standard view during 1970s being optimistic that detente would limit the arms race
Kissinger and Nixon the architects of detente give a positive view on their own attempts
Post historians think that detente was beneficial for both sides
E.g Alexander George in 'Force and statecraft 1983' suggested detente created a less dangerous and more useful international relationship.
Right wing Americans were delusional towards it
This more critical approach dominates historical thinking
Detente was seen as a sign of weakness and being 'soft' on communism allowed the soviets to catch up in arms development and continue the war
Right wing views on detente however tend to neglect the advantages detente held for the USA during a period when self-confidence was under threat
Collapse of soviet union in 1980s was viewed as a result of the pressure in matching the USA in the arms race
Therefore detente was seen as prolonging the war rather than realistic steps towards bringing it to an end
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