the legend of sleepy hollow


mapa mental de la historia sleepy hollow
Manuela Rivera
Mind Map by Manuela Rivera, updated more than 1 year ago
Manuela Rivera
Created by Manuela Rivera over 8 years ago

Resource summary

the legend of sleepy hollow
  1. charactes:
    1. ichaboad crane
      1. katrina van tassel
        1. brom
          1. mr.van tassel
            1. van ripper
              1. soldier
    2. places
      1. greensburgh
        1. sleepy hollow
          1. school
            1. churchyard
              1. church
                1. house van tassel
      2. character traits
        1. ichabod:
          1. he had long arms,long legs ,big feet,head small,big ears.and a long nose. man intellectual,and very smart
            1. katrina :
              1. she had young,pretty,tall,of good family and very smart
        2. resume
          1. this history is based on a men who arrives in a very quiet village where people believe in legends ghosts.
            1. this men comes to enrage at a school and meets a beautiful girl he falls in love.
              1. after while you realize that you have a rival ,katrina is decided by brom and not ichabod ,this wanting to solve the mistery of this village tells the father of katrina
                1. lend him a special horse that he had ,it was black and was missing an eye ,but hurt the saddle decides to flee to the new york
                  1. where he studied another race and go to work at a congress.
          2. the end that would give the story
            1. the end to my serious so that ichabod had not fled but it would have the face and accountable for their actions
              1. and fight for the love of katrina had finished together .
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