
Refugee Studies Mind Map on REFUGEES, created by ellywhitehead on 23/04/2013.
Mind Map by ellywhitehead, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ellywhitehead over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Asylum Seekers
    1. Failed Asylum
      1. Economic Migrants
        1. Trouble of Repatriation
        2. Granted Asylum (Refugee Status)
          1. Humanitarian Protection/ Discretionary leave to remain
            1. Only a few Years
              1. Not allowed to work and must accept dispersal
            2. After Cold War the West became less welcoming to to lack of 'POSITIVE POLITICAL PROPAGANDA'
            3. Effects on States
              1. Flee from
                1. Bad publicity
                  1. Loss of man power
                    1. more educated people leaving
                  2. Flee to
                    1. economic
                      1. UK £1.2bn
                        1. camps in Rwanda
                        2. Political
                          1. UK - BNP support
                            1. Positive political propaganda
                          2. social
                            1. environmental
                          3. UNHCR
                            1. Between a Rock and a Hard Place?
                              1. Mandate Vs International Politics
                              2. General Info
                                1. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
                                  1. 1951 - UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees
                                    1. After WW2 (Jews fleeing the Holocaust)
                                      1. 147 countries signed in the middle of the Cold War
                                        1. Positive Political Propaganda
                                          1. Countries retained the right to define refugee status and now recognition rates vary
                                      2. People of Concern (2011)
                                        1. REFUGEES 15.2m
                                          1. ASYLUM SEEKERS 0.9m
                                            1. IDP 26.4m
                                              1. INCLUDES
                                                1. stateless
                                                  1. 7 Million protracted Situations
                                                    1. 4.8million Palestinian refugees
                                                      1. 49% women; 46% under 18
                                                        1. 80% in developing states
                                                          1. 42% in states whose GDP per cap in less than $300
                                                          2. ASIA 40% and AFRICA 20%
                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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