GCSE Core Chemistry Yr 9


3/3 topic. to be used to study for end of yr9 year exam.
Flashcards by bronwyn831, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bronwyn831 almost 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (13)

Resource summary

Question Answer
How many different types of atom are there? about 100
What is an ELEMENT? a substance made purely up of 1 type of atom. commonly found on the periodic table.
What is a MOLECULE? 2 or more atoms of the same kind joined together
What is a COMPOUND? 2 or more atoms of different types chemically joined together.
What are the 3 states of matter? solid liquid gas
What is special about each group in the periodic table? it contains elements of similar chemical properties.
What is the nucleus of an atom surrounded by? electrons
What 2 things are in the nucleus of an atom? protons and neutrons
If an atom has 8 protons how many electrons does it have? 8
What is the relative charge of a a) neutron b) electron c) proton a) 0 b) -1 c) +1
What is the name for the 'number of protons' each atom has in an element? the atomic number
What is the 'mass number' of an atom? the number of protons + neutrons in a nucleus.
How are atoms arranged in the periodic table? in order of their atomic number.
What does each shell represent? the different energy levels. the shell with the lowest energy is nearest to the nucleus.
How can we tell how many electrons are in the outer shell of an atom? by looking at which group its in. i.e Hydrogen is in group 1 and has 1 electron in its outer shell.
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