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sociology essay
Sociology Essay Mind Map on sociology essay, created by woodsey.michelle on 23/04/2013.
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sociology essay
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sociology essay
Purpose of education
education has a utilitarian and moral function (King, www)
role of education is to reduce inequalities, promoting social mobility and social justice (Smith, 2009)
in 1934 the purpose of education was to enable the young to develop into members of society that are orderly. Dewey. ASCD pdf
in 1948 - to encourage critical and intensive thinkers. Intelligence plus character is the true goal of education. M.L.King Jr. ASCD pdf
in 1957- for each learner to develop morally, creatively and productively in society, ACSD. pdf
in 1964- changed from producing a literate society to a learning society - ACSD.pdf.
in 1991 - to develop intellect, to serve social needs and contribute to the economy, to create an effective workforce, prepare students for jobs,
or career, to promote a particular social or political system. Although it should go beyond all of these. Foshay. ACSD.pdf
Parsons, 1965 ( Arthur & Peterson-2012) proposed that the classroom is where young people are prepared for their adult roles
that they are introduced to the socual norms which are internalised so that social equilibrium is maintained.
That access to education is differentiated by ethnicity (Gillborn, 1990), gender (Spender & Adler, 1989) and social class (Ball, 2006)
social justice
social justice programes in education were developed in the 980's
According to Askew and Carnell, 1998..
social justice is to encourage responsibility for changing society, teaching based on radical analysis of social injustice in society
curriculum based on developing skills of critical analysis and social awareness.
is extrinsic knowledge
implies fairness and mutual obligation to society and to ensure that all are treated equally and have equal rights. RSA Website
Could link with social identity Theory (Tajfel and Turner, 1970),
psychological theory that sets out to explain group processes and intergroup relatiohships which can help with multiculturalism in society
Global citizenship
citizenship can be traced back to the 19th century, where it had clear social and moral purposes (Batho, 1990; Lawton, 2000 - Dina Kiwan p328)
In 2002 citizenship became a statutory requirement in education ( Dina Kiwan, p328)
ways in which it can be promoted in education varies through the key stages
Connecting life experiences with global issues
global citizenship has become a shared goal of educators and educational institutions. Shultz (website)
people see global citizenship as different meanings
Oxfam- say it is about understanding the need to tackle injustiice, inequality and about having the drive and desire to do so.
you identify with being part of an emerging world community and your actions contribute to the values and practices of the community. (Isreal, 2013)
As an ethical practice- aims to expand inclusion and power. Shultz (website)
Lyn Davies suggests that it comes from the practice of global education (2006) Shultz website.
Key elements of global citizenship is knowledge and understanding. Ward, 2007.
Social justice and equity.
Understanding of inequality and injustice within and between societies.
Knowledge of basic human needs and rights an our responsibilites as global citizens.
Globalisation and interdependence
Knowledge about the world and its affairs: links between countries, power relationships and different political systems.
An understanding of the complexities of global issues
Peace and conflict
understanding of historical and present day conflicts and conflict mediation and prevention
Sustainable development
Knowledge of how to take care of things. A recognition that the earths resources are finite, precious and unequally used.
An understanding of the global imperative of sustainable development
Understanding of cultural and other diversity within societies and how the lives of others can enrich our own.
Knowledge of the nature of prejudice towards diversity and how it can be combated.
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