-Stalin Churchill Roosevelt
- Personal relationship still strong enough to make some significant agreements
- Main source of disagreement was over Poland
Agreements reached:
-Establishing of UN
-Division of Germany, Berlin and Austria into zones of occupation
- The principle of free elections in East Europe
- The setting of the borders of post-war Poland so that substantial areas were given to USSR
Potsdam Conference
Stalin Truman Churchill
- Truman new anti- comm president
-Churchill replaced whilst conference was happening by Attlee
Marked severe cooling in relations - no significant agreements made
6 August 1945
Atomic bomb dropped
on Hiroshima
5 March 1946
Churchill Iron Curtain
Speech at Fulton
1946 Baruch
Plan Failed
March 1947
Truman Doctrine
June 1947
Marshall Plan
February 1948
Communist Coup in
June 1948
Berlin Blockade
April 1949
NATO set up
August 1949 -
USSR tests
atomic bom
Feb 1950
Alliance signed
25 June 1950
Korean War Begins
Nov 1952 - US tests
Hydrogen bomb
5 March 1953
Death of Stalin
27 July 1953 End
of Korean War
July 1954
Agreement on
September 1954
1st Taiwan Straits Crisis
1954 Khrushchev's
first visit to China
1955 USA first intercontinental bombers
May 1955
Warsaw Pact set
July 1955 - Geneva Summit
(Khrushchev and Eisenhower)
Feb 1956 - Khrushchev's secret speech
1956 USSR first TU20 bear
(intercontinental bomber)
November 1956
Soviet troops invade
Sputnik 1957
Nov 1957 Eisenhower
warned of Missile Gap
1958 Khrushchev criticises Great Leap Forwar
1958 2nd Berlin Crisis
August 1958
2nd Taiwan
Straits Crisis
June 1959 Sino-Soviet
agreement on atomic
cooperation cancelled
May 1960 U2 spy
plane incident
1959 Cuban Revolution
Jan 1961 JFK becomes president
12 April 1961 -
Yuri Gugarin first
man in space
17-20 April 1961
Bay of Pigs
June 1961 Vienna Summit -
(Khrushchev and Kennedy)
August 1961
Berlin Wall erected
October 1962
Cuban Missile Crisis
June 1963 Hot Line telephone
link/nuclear test ban treaty
October 1964 - China
first nuclear bomb test
August 1968
Soviets invade
March 1969 Sino-Soviet Border
clashes at Damansky Island
1970 - End of Cold War
Nixon visits China 1972
May 1972
Salt I agreed
July 1975 Apollo Soyuz Link up
August 1975
Helsinki Accords
1979 Salt II signed (Not ratified)
December 1979 - Soviets
Invade Afghanistan
December 1980 - Martial Law imposed in
Poland in response to Solidarity
1983 SDI launched
March 1985 - Gorbachev
becomes Soviet Leader
December 1987 Washington Summit
(Reagan and Gorbachev)
1989 - Collapse of communist
regimes in East Europe