Aims of Ecotourism


Geography, aqa gcse
Mind Map by oliviaoneill90, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by oliviaoneill90 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Aims of Ecotourism
  1. To reduce the impact that tourism has on naturally beautiful environments.
    1. To ensure that tourism does not exploit the natural environment or local communities.
      1. To consult with local communities on planned developments.
        1. To make sure that infrastructure improvements benefit local people and not just tourists.
          1. To respect local customs and traditions - some communities are offended when tourists wear inappropriate clothes in religious places, strip off on the beach or behave in a rowdy manner. Local people appreciate tourists who try to learn the language and show an interest in their culture.
            1. To support local communities - stay in locally owned accommodation and buy produce from local people.
              1. To protect resources - don't take too many showers or use air conditioning.
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