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Trapanosoma - antigenic variation (of T. brucei)
Microbiology Mind Map on Trapanosoma - antigenic variation (of T. brucei), created by maisie_oj on 20/04/2013.
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Trapanosoma - antigenic variation (of T. brucei)
How does Trypanosoma brucei survive in humans? (antigenic variation)
Immune evasion
T. brucei is highly susceptible to antibodies
Lives in the bloodstream (constantly exposed to Ab's)
Induces a strong Ab response
How then, does it survive and thrive in the same host for periods greater than a year?
Number of parasite in blood (level of parasitaemia) over time is not constant - there are peaks and throughs (time between peaks/troughs = 5-7 days)
Each wave represents a antigenically distinct serotype of parasite population
Ab's generated against the parastie in the first week will not react with those in the second week and so on
This change in antigenic profile is called ANTIGENIC VARIATION
The entire population within the blood at any one point appears to be uniform
However at a low frequency (about 1 in 1,000,000 cells) there is a distinct difference in cell serotype (SWITCHING)
Variable surface glycotprotein (VSG)
When viewed using electron microscopy the surface of T. brucei is seen as being very electron dense
Antisera (Ab's against T. brucei) react strongly to this coat
When surface proteins of T. brucei cleaved off using the protease trypsin then Ab's are unable to bind
Implying detemrination of the organisms atigenicity (and therefore antigenic variance properties) is through this coat
What is this coat?
SDS-PAGE reveals that the coat is mainly composed of almost a single protein type (one prominent band on the gel)
This protein is the variable surface glycoprotein (VSG)
VSG's areM very immunogenic and their amino acid sequence varies between parasites of different parasitaemia peaks (5-7days)
10 million per cell
65kDa glycoprotein (protein with bound sugar structures)
Forms about 10% of the cells total protein content
VSG's form dimers
Following synthesis; signal sequence (~20aa)-variable domain (~360aa)-conserved domain (~100aa)-hydrophobic sequence (~20aa)
VSG synthesis
Transcription and translation
20aa signal sequence targets the protein for the ER
N-terminal signal sequence cleaved within ER lumen
VSG protein is translated and fed into the ER lumen
The C-terminal hydrophobic domain binds the VSG to the phospholipid membrane of the ER
This hydrophobic sequence is then cleaved and the VSG molecule covalently attached to a glycolipid in the membrane
The glycolipid is made of; 4 core sugar residues and phosphatidylinisotol
The sugar residues are often branched and additional residues added
This is called the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor
Binds VSGs to the membrane and allows for the tight packing of surface VSGs
This tight packing prevents immune complement factors binding (preventing MAC formation and phagocytosis)
Also, other essential cell proteins (that cant exhibit antigenic variance) can 'hide' beneath the VSG canopy
Two VSGs then dimerise and are transported (via secretory pathway) to the cell surface (ER -> golgi -> vesicles -> flagellal pocket -> cell surface)
Changing expressn of VSGs (Antigenic variance mechanism)
VSG genes
T. brucei entire genome
10% (~1,000-1,500 genes) = VSG genes
Two distinct pools of VSG localisation (within the entire genome)
1) subtelomeric (non-telomere DNA, but towards the end of the chromosome)
>1,000 VSG genes
VSGs in large tandem arrays (one VSG after another)
Mainly found on large (megabase) chromosomes
No associated promotors (non are expressed) = VSG store
2) telomeric pool
~200 VSG genes
Seen mainly for microchromosomes (kilobases)
No associated promoters (non are expressed) = VSG store
~30-40 VSG genes
Adjacent to promoters (can be expressed) = expressin sites (ES)
Two types of ES
~15-20 VSG genes
Feature (in sequence); promoter, 70bp repeat sequence, VSG gene and telomere
Metacyclic expression sites (mES)
In salivary gland of insect (metacyclic phase) parasites express only one VSG from one mES
All other VSGs from mES and bES are silenced (allelic exclusion)
Metacyclic parasites in salivary gland of insect are now prepared for survival in mammals
Infection of mammal (human)
Metacyclic form differentiates into the bloodstream form
Active mES is now turned off and a single bES is turned on
Only one VSG gene is expressed at one time - all other ES's are silenced
How can the parasite switch expression between different VSGs?
The process of altering the VSG expressn is called "switching"
*see reglation of VSG switching*
Three mechanisms
1) in situ switching
The active ES is switched of and an incative ES switched on in its place
Explains mES and bES switching between off and on
2) Telomere exchange
Double standed DNA recombination between telomeric regions reaults in an inactive VSG gene being transferred to an active ES
Explains how VSGs on microchromosomes can be expressed (from microchromosome VSG store)
3) gene conversion
Single stranded DNA recombination between coding sequences of an inactive VSG and an active VSG
Mismatch repair system copies the new VSG sequence in place of the previous one
Previously active VSG is lost
Explains how VSGs from subtelomeric stores can be expressed
Most cells in one populatn express the same VSG
The immune system selects for antigenically distinct VSGs -> peaks of parasitaemia
~15-20 VSG genes
Feature (in sequecne); promoter, other genes (x7), 70bp reapeat sequences, VSG gene and telomere
Boodstream expression sites (bES)
Other genes include useful proteins; Fe transporters, adenylate cyclase etc.
Regulation of VSG switching
These are only theories - exact mechanisms still to be discovered
In situ switching, telomere exchange and gene conversion explain how switching may occur
However, this does not explain why only one ES is ever active and the rest silenced
1) telomeric silencing
All VSG ES's are located at the telomeres
Protein complexes may bind to the telomere that actively supress transcriptional activity
Proteins that have been shown to repress transcription at telomere sites in yeast have been found in T. brucei (more conclusive evidence needed)
These proteins are; repressor/activator protein 1 (RAP1) and the silent information regulator (SIR) complex
2) modified bases
Trypanosomes contain unusual J-bases (beta-glycosyl-hydroxy-methyluracil - modified thymine + glucose)
J-bases in DNA may act as "read me" or "don't read me" signals to the transcription machinery
J-bases inhibitory to transcription
Found in inactive ES's at subtelomeric regions
3) chromatin modification and structure
Chromatin = DNA + proteins (histones)
Modifications to histones and DNA can change their interaciton and affect gene expression
It is still unclear however how one ES remains active while all others repressed
Why one gene is 'selected' and all others repressed simultaneously
The ES body
Seems that gene location within the nucleus detemrines its expression fate
In an experiment looking at RNA pol localisation in T. brucei during the bloodstream and procyclic (insect) phases
Navarro and gull (2001)
Bloodstream form showed two distinct regions of gene expression (generic euchromatin expression and a second, smaller region of expression)
However, in insect form (procyclic) only the generic region of expression was seen
This smaller region of expressn correspnds to the single active ES
It was also seen that inactive ES's were kept away from the ES body and there localisation was perinuclear (around the nuclear border)
It is localised wihtin a region of the nucleus called the ES body
The ES body can only accomodate one ES - therefore only one VSG ever expressed
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