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Philosophy And Religion (Islam) Mind Map on Shahadah, created by ebramhall on 20/04/2013.
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philosophy and religion
philosophy and religion
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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over 11 years ago
Resource summary
Declaration of Shahadah: I declare and witness that there is no deity but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah
The first part is a declaration of Tawhid while the second is a reminder that Muhammad is the perfect role model and expression of Islamic virtues
Sums up Muslim beliefs and all other beliefs stem from it
To convert to Islam, one must make this public declaration (with two witnesses)
The first thing a newborn baby should hear and the last thing a Muslim should say
Repeated during each of the ritual prayers several times a day
After death, when souls are tested, they should reply with the Shahadah
This declaration or statement of faith is called the Kalima
The Shahadah means "to know and believe without suspicion, as if witnessed" and is the name of the Islamic creed.
The Muslim declaration of belief in the oneness of God (Tawhid) and acceptance of Muhammad as God's prophet
The complete Shahadah is not found in the Quran, but in the Hadiths
Muslims believe that the Shahadah is without value unless it is earnest
1) Al-Ilm
Knowledge of the meaning of the Shahadah, its negation and affirmation
2) Al-Yaqeen
Certainty - perfect knowledge of it that counteracts suspicion and doubt
3) Al-Ikhlaas
Sincerity which negates shirk
4) Al-Sidq
Truthfulness that permits neither falsehood nor hypocrisy
5) Al-Mahabbah
Love of the Shahadah and its meaning, and being happy with it
6) Al-Inqiyad
Submission to its rightful requirements, which are the duties that must be performed with sincerity to God (alone) seeking His pleasure
7) Al-Qubool
Acceptance that contradicts rejection
The second part of the Shahadah carries several conditions as welll...
To believe in the prophet and in whatever he said and conveyed in his message as the seat of the prophets
To obey him in whatever he commanded
To stay away from or avoid whatever he commanded Muslims not to do.
To follow and emulate him in worship (Ibadah), manners (ahlaq), and way of life
To understand, practice and promote his Sunnah ("habits") in the best way possible, without creating any chaos, enmity or harm
The Shahadah is on the Saudi Arabian flag and is also referenced in the Turkish national anthem.
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