Utilitarianism is compatible with Christianity


Mind Map on Utilitarianism is compatible with Christianity, created by Olliedavies1 on 19/04/2013.
Mind Map by Olliedavies1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Olliedavies1 almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Utilitarianism is compatible with Christianity
  1. Encourages people not to be selfish. Bentham stated it is not about your own happiness but fulfilling 'greatest happiness for the greatest s number'
    1. A utilitarian would claim the ultimate goal is happiness. Some may claim hat religion is based upon making people 'happy'
      1. Strong rule and many Christians believe in absolutist and deontological rules. For example they would agree with the ten commandments
        1. Mill believed that has Utilitarian ethic had caught the very spirit of the Christian golden rule,treat others like you would want to be treated
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