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Sensory Marketing
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Mind Map by
Paisley Williams
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Paisley Williams
almost 9 years ago
Resource summary
Sensory Marketing
Senses dictate what appeals to us.
Businesses need to establish a 'Sensory Signature'
Bryantt (1999)- Colours stimulate emotions. Eg red- appetite, blue- relaxed
Frank and Gilovich (1988)- Associations reaction to colour for example black colour of mourning in uk, powerful sports team in USA.
Thomas (2001)- Older people prefer white. Colours become duller with age.
Colours change with fashion. Eg pantone colour of the year
Processed in 'Lymbric systems' part of the brain. (gives fastest emotional response)
Evoke memories and cane be either a positive or negative stimuli.
Touch (Haptic Sense)
When consumers touch a product they have a higher sense of attachment to it.
E.g. Apple products
Ability to influence sales interaction. E.G turtle Bay trained to touch people on shoulder when doing check backs.
Music can influence peoples mood and behaviour
Sound symbolism- The way a word sounds influences our assumptions.
E.G Kellogs- Kruchy, Pepsi- Pop
Taste receptors contribute to experience of products
Cultural factors determine the tastes found desirable
Perception process
Process where senses are selected, organised and interpreted (depends on different factors)
Perceptual Process (Sensory stimuli, sensory receptors -> exposure, attention, interpretation
Stage 1- Exposure
1) Stimuli comes within sensory receptors
2) Impact on sensory threshold.
Absolute Threshold- The minimum amount of stimuli that can be detected from one of the senses
Differential Threshold- The ability the sensory system can detect changes between two stimuli.
Minimum change called Just Noticeable Difference (J.N.D)
Webbers Law- The stronger the initial stimuli the greater the change must be for us to notice it.
Psychophysics- how people mix physical environment into own personal world.
Stage 2- Attention
Consumers often in a state of 'Sensory Overload'
Personal selection
Experience (from stimuli)
Perceptual Vigilance (Aware of stimuli that relates to needs),
Perceptual Defence (See what they want to see)
Adaptation (How often consumers notice stimuli eg exposure, relevance.
Stimuli characteristics eg exposure, size.
Stage 3- Interpretation
Solomon (2011)- The meaning (schema) we apply to a stimuli
Schema- set of beliefs
Priming- something to evoke a schema.
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