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History (Mr Edmunds) Mind Map on Collectivisation, created by Katie Mortley on 17/04/2013.
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mr edmunds
Mind Map by
Katie Mortley
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Katie Mortley
over 11 years ago
Resource summary
Traditionally, peasants had worked on small farms with little technology. Stalin planned to merge all farms into collective farms ‘Kolkhoz’
The farm was to be farmed as one unit and peasants could keep up to one acre for themselves
Once the quota had been met, peasants could sell any surplus at local markets
Collective farms had to deliver quotas of grain which the state sold to towns
50-100 households would be put together and all tools, land and animals combined
The state would provide tractors and fertilisers which would help modernise production
MTS Stations: Machine Tractor Stations
They hired and maintained machinery
MTS stations also had a political department to spy on the peasants and to ensure order
Liquidation of the Kulaks- Dec 1929
Dukulakisation – poorest peasants would be able to use Kulak’s resources
Collectivisation = loss of independence and loss of £
Peasants rebelled, destroying grain and livestock rather than giving it to the Communists
Collectivisation Stops- March 1930
Disregarded human suffering caused
‘Dizzy with success’ – Pravda – so good it would be suspended
Kulak’s and families either shot or herded into trucks and exiled to Siberia
Chaos in agricultural economy
Hostility and sabotage
Collectivisation Resumes- 1931
Unrealistic goals
Severe punishment for sabotage and failing to meet targets
All grain confiscated
International offers of aid rejected
Famine as a result of government policy
10million deaths during famine
Grain sat in barns rotting
Workers received no wages but were given ‘workdays’
At the end of the year, the profits of the farm were calculated and divided up according to the number of workdays
Most made little profit so peasants relied on selling what they produced on their private plots
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