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Opposition Groups
History (Mr Edmunds) Mind Map on Opposition Groups, created by Katie Mortley on 17/04/2013.
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Mind Map by
Katie Mortley
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Katie Mortley
over 11 years ago
Resource summary
Opposition Groups
Tsar Opposition Before 1905
Social Revolutionaries
Land taken from landlords and divided amongst the peasants
Large popular fan base
Intellectuals who wanted contact with the mass of the population
Industrial workers 50% of members by 1905
Peasants – main support for a popular rising
Accepted development of capitalism as a fact because the peasants could rise up against their masters
Overthrow Tsarist government and replaced by a democratic republic
Assassination of Government officials
Believed that local peasant organisations (communes) offered the fairest future for Russia
Encouraged the peasants to rise up against the Tsarist Government
Failed to win the support of the peasants
Many were arrested or imprisoned
Disliked the autocratic rule of the Tsars
Led to the founding of two radical parties
Social Revolutionary Party (1901)
Social Democrat (1898)
1879 – More radical group formed “The People’s Will”
Aimed to assassinate leading members of the Tsarist state
Alexander II in 1881
Political Parties
Liberals (Octobrists)
Wanted free elections in which all men could vote
Industrialist support
Used the Zemstva and Duma
Non violent political channels
Businessmen and larger landowners supported them
More Conservative Liberals
Civil rights
Wanted Parliamentary democracy
Used articles in the press, meetings etc
Liberals (Kadets)
Aimed for parliamentary democracy, civil rights and free elections in which all men could vote
Academics, lawyers, doctors and progressive landlords
Party of Popular Freedom
Intelligentsia support
Used the Zemstva and Duma
Middle class support
Used articles in the press
Wanted a big change
Non violent political channels
Broadly based – took in all who wanted to join
More democratic
Organising strikes in factories
Less radical than the Bolsheviks
Members of the intelligentsia
Members have a say in policy making
Broader range of people: more non Russians, Jews and Georgians,
Different types of workers to the Bolsheviks
Working class support
Encouraged trade unions to help working class to improve their conditions
Centralised leadership
Working class support
Marxism (not as evident here as in the Mensheviks)
Small number of highly disciplined individuals (revolutionaries
Vladimir Lenin
Socialist consciousness to the workers – lead them through the revolution
Organising strikes in factories
Support of more militant, younger peasants who liked discipline, firm leadership and simple slogans
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