Plague and Non-enteric Pathogens


Microbiology Mind Map on Plague and Non-enteric Pathogens, created by maisie_oj on 16/04/2013.
Mind Map by maisie_oj, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by maisie_oj almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Plague and Non-enteric Pathogens
  1. Yersinia pestis
    1. Cause of the plague
      1. Transmitted via animals
        1. Sylvatic plague - from wild animals
          1. Urban plague - from domestic/semi-domestic animals or humans
            1. Found in 200 species of animals (rodents) without causing disease
            2. Fleas are vector
              1. Bacteria replicates in gut
                1. Coagulase causes blood clotting which blocks the oesophagus
                  1. Flea becomes ravenous
              2. 3-50 bacilli
                1. Bubonic
                  1. Bacilli multiplies in flea bite
                    1. Bacteria enters lymphatic system
                      1. Causes swelling and necrosis in groin/axilla (a bubo)
                  2. Septicemic
                    1. Progression to massive bacterial growth
                      1. Virulence factors cause intravascular coagulation, subcutaneous haemorrhage and purpura
                      2. Black plague
                      3. Pneumonic
                        1. Infection localized to lungs
                          1. Highly contagious
                            1. Fatal without treatment
                            2. Diagnosis depends on patient history, symptoms and lab findings from bubo aspirate
                              1. Treated with streptomycin, tetracycline or chloramphenicol
                                1. Prevention of spread by quarantine and control of rodent population
                                2. Killed/attenuated vaccine available
                                3. Non-enteric Pathogens
                                  1. Pasterurella multocida
                                    1. Normal flora in animals
                                      1. Opportunistic pathogen
                                        1. Animal bites cause local abcesses that spread to bones, joints and lymph nodes
                                          1. Immunocompromised are at risk of septicaemia and complications
                                            1. Treated with penicillin and tetracycline
                                            2. Haemophilus
                                              1. Tiny, Gram -ve pleomorphic rods
                                                1. Fastidious - sensitive to drying, temperature extremes and disinfectants
                                                  1. Grows on chocolate agar - require hemin, NAD or NADP
                                                    1. Some species are normal flora of upper respiratory tract/vagina
                                                      1. Other species are involved in conjunctivitis (H. aegyptius), childhood meningitis and chancroid (H. ducreyi)
                                                        1. H. influenzae - acute bacterial meningitis, epiglottitis, otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchitis
                                                          1. Hib vaccine
                                                          2. H. parainfluenzae and H. aphrophilus - normal oral and nasopharangeal flora but can cause infective endocarditis
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