WWII 1942-1945


A mind map about the Japanese Occupation in Singapore in WWII
Mind Map by kohyihui, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kohyihui almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

WWII 1942-1945
  1. Asian Consciousness
    1. Asia for Asians
      1. means that local leaders under Japanese guidance would rule their own countries
        1. Japan as the leader of Asia; Japanese culture as apex of Asian culture
        2. Emphasis on racial euality
        3. Contradicted in reality by Japanese policy of "divide and rule" policy
          1. It basically means that you divide the population into manageable chunks and that makes it impossible for them to come together and fight against the sovereign authority.
            1. Divided into races
              1. Chinese community: The Sook Ching operation and the $50 million gift from the Chinese community to Japanese war efforts in various parts of the world
                1. Sook Ching
                  1. Chinese men from the age of 18 to 50 were told to report to interrogation centres across the island to be inspected of whether they had anti-Japanese sentiments.
                    1. Informants wearing masks/bags over their heads would point out who were anti-Japanese to the Japanese officers. Those who were pointed out were gunned down at beaches eg: Changi. Those who were not identified as anti-Japanese would be allowed to go home
                      1. Kempeitai/ military police would also arrest those suspected of being anti-Japanese
                        1. Kempetai
                          1. used arbitrary and random use of violence and force to enforce compliance and obedience
                            1. instilled lots of fear in the locals as minor crimes they committed could result in them being severely punished.
                              1. Living In Hardship
                                1. Japanese occupation had disrupted trade, which limited the import of goods into Singapore
                                  1. Japan also used most of their available resources for Japan's war efforts overseas, rather than the locals in Singapore
                                    1. This led to a shortage of food, by which the Japanese introduced food rationing systems to solve the issue
                                      1. Each household would be given a Peace Living Certificate which entitled each household to a ration card which allowed them to obtain rations from distribution centres. Rations were small and this often led to malnutrition.
                                        1. This shortage of food also gave rise to the emergence of black markets, where food were sold at high prices illegally. Many of the people could not afford the food sold there.
                                          1. The Japanese also printed an unlimited amount of banana notes without serial numbers, which caused inflation in the price of food items and the value of the money to decrease
                                            1. This prompted many who were not in the workforce before war to join the workforce as a way to earn more money
                                  2. Because of the fact that life under the Japanese were hard, there was a rise of anti-Japanese elements in society. Some of the people came together and formed groups which participated in anti-Japanese activities
                                    1. Force 136
                                      1. Formed by the British cabinet in 1940
                                        1. concentrated efforts in Malaya by collecting information about the Japanese and organised attacks when possible
                                      2. Malayan People's Anti-Japanese Army
                                        1. led by Lai Teck, senior communist leader from Vietnam
                                          1. Right-hand man: Chin Peng- Malayan Chinese from Perak
                                            1. Carried out surprise attacks on Japanese policemen, soldiers and people who worked with the Japanese in the jungles of Johor and Perak, where they mostly operated.
                    2. Malay community: Provided opportunities in education and in the administration of Singapore; encouraged to be involved in defence and administration of Singapore
                      1. Indian community: Appeal to Indians to join the Indian National Army (INA) offering the prospect of independence for India, a British colong
                        1. Eurasian community: Many were interned and most seen as British supporters. Some were enticed to resettle in communities in Malaya
                      2. actively promoted Japanese culture. spread idea that Asians were just as good as Europeans
                        1. Had to sing Japanese National Anthem Kimigayo in the direction of Japan
                          1. Learn Japanese in place of English
                            1. Take part in activities such as mass drills/taisho
                              1. Propaganda
                                1. Newspapers: Straits Times renamed as Nippon Sinbun
                                  1. Controlled broadcasts on radio as well as movies screened in cinemas
                                  2. Dispel myth of "white man superiority"
                                    1. got the Australians, British and Europeans to intern (confined as a prisoner for political/military reasons)
                                      1. ordered Allied POWs to do menial tasks and some were sent to Death Railway in Thailand and Burma (Myammar) where many died due to harsh living conditions and infectious diseases
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