Project Manager


Mind Map on Project Manager, created by Anni Alejandra on 09/02/2016.
Anni  Alejandra
Mind Map by Anni Alejandra , updated more than 1 year ago
Anni  Alejandra
Created by Anni Alejandra over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Project Manager
  1. Praxis (Doing)
    1. Phrónêsis (Deliberation)
      1. Practical Wisdom or prudence
      2. Colective praxis
        1. Standards
          1. "Change when someone finds a better way of doing, making or using something"
            1. Energeia(Perfecting actualization)
            2. Ways of doing things
              1. "Establishing mutual and common understandings"
                1. Based on practice
                  1. Made by success performers
                    1. Empeiria (Practically acquired experience
                  2. Threshold
                    1. Balance between "the real and the preferable"
                    2. What is done?
                      1. what one ought to do?
                      2. Community of practitioners sharing common values
                      3. Eupraxia (Doing well)
                        1. Virtuous performance, practical reasoning
                        2. "understanding knowledge and ethics"
                          1. "Managers only really matter when there is uncertainty"
                            1. Ethics
                              1. Consequentialist
                                1. "Good" outcome
                                  1. Outcome (ends)
                                    1. "End justifies the means"
                                      1. Assessment
                                        1. Performance-based
                                          1. Facts
                                            1. Out
                                              1. What they do in a given context
                                                1. Ability to perform activities
                                        2. Deontological
                                          1. "Right" Action
                                            1. Duty (means)
                                              1. "Ends can NEVER justify means"
                                                1. Assessment
                                                  1. Attribute-based
                                                    1. Values
                                                      1. Personal
                                                        1. Personality traits, attitudes and behaviors
                                                        2. Input
                                                          1. knowledge, skills and abilities
                                                2. Intuition
                                                  1. Skills
                                                    1. Interpretation of information
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