Why did Black Death spread so rapidly through England and Scotland in the mid 14th Century?


Bachelors Degree History Mind Map on Why did Black Death spread so rapidly through England and Scotland in the mid 14th Century?, created by gokce_tee on 09/01/2016.
Mind Map by gokce_tee, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by jacksearle about 9 years ago
Copied by gokce_tee about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Why did Black Death spread so rapidly through England and Scotland in the mid 14th Century?
  1. Limitations of medical knowledge
    1. They didn't understand how disease was spread
      1. Could do little to prevent it from spreading
      2. Didn't understand importance of good nursing
      3. War
        1. Fall of Calais
          1. Goods harbouring plague distributed across English coast
          2. Scots
            1. Wanted to invade England in 1050
              1. Muster on border, some catch plague
                1. Army scatters taking plague with them
          3. Trade
            1. trade with european ports
              1. brought Black Death to many English ports in a few weeks
              2. Internal trade
                1. Carried bacteria through England Quickly
              3. Living Conditions
                1. Over-crowding
                  1. Poor personal hygiene
                    1. Insanitary disposal of sewage
                      1. houses riddled with vermin
                        1. Ideal conditions for both bubonic/pneumonic plague
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