Social Psychological Theories of Aggression


Social Psychological Theories mind map
Mind Map by zoeillingworth12, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by zoeillingworth12 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Social Psychological Theories of Aggression
    1. Studies
      1. Bandura: Children who were exposed to aggressive role model were most aggressive towards bobo doll. More likely to copy if they witnessed model being rewarded.
        1. Demonstrates cause and effect
          1. Results affected by demand characteristics
          2. Irwin and Gross: aggression levels increased in 7-8 year olds after they played a violent video game. Girls and the youngest children were most aggressive.
            1. Cannot explain why some more aggressive than others
            2. Phillips: daily homicide rate in the USA increased during major boxing events.
              1. Correlational research
            3. AO1
              1. Observational learning: witnessing and imitating behaviour of aggressive role model.
                1. Likelihood of the individual copying the aggressive behaviour increases if they witness the aggressive role model being rewarded.
                  1. Direct reinforcement: individual achieves desired outcome by behaving aggressively so now know to repeat this in future to get what they want.
                  2. AO2
                    1. Research has practical value - explains why domestic abuse sometimes runs in families
                      1. Accounts for individual differences within cultures
                        1. Cultural differences - Kung San Tribe
                          1. Reductionist
                            1. Nature vs. Nurture
                          2. DEINDIVIDUATION THEORY
                            1. AO1
                              1. Deindividuation: loss of a sense of personal identity that can occur when we are, for example, in a crowd or are anonymous
                                1. Reduced public and private self-awareness can lead to aggression because our self assessment is altered
                                2. Studies
                                  1. Zimbardo: guards and prisoners both deindividuated by use of clothing, numbering participants and pseudonyms led to an increase in aggression
                                    1. Ethical issues
                                      1. Unrepresentative sample
                                    2. AO2
                                      1. Free will vs. Determinism
                                        1. Research has practical value - CCTV
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