Western Civilization II Exam


review for the history Exam
Mind Map by scmire, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by scmire about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Western Civilization II Exam
  1. Ch. 12: The Renaissance in Italy and Northern Europe
    1. Renaissance Scholars
      1. Italian
        1. Education
          1. Art Forms
            1. Humanism
            2. Northern
              1. Education
                1. Art forms
              2. Technology Advancemnts
                1. Machiavelli
                2. Ch. 13: Europe's Age of Expansion, 1450
                  1. Spanish Inquisition
                    1. Explorers
                      1. Ch. 14: Reform in the Western Church, 1490-1570
                        1. Christian Humanists
                          1. Anglican Church
                            1. Protestants
                                1. Ch. 15: A century of Crisis, 1550-1650
                                  1. Witchcraft Trials
                                    1. Wars
                                      1. Thirty Years War
                                        1. Rulers in France
                                          1. The Golden Age
                                          2. Ch 16
                                            1. The Great Westernization of Russia
                                              1. Versailles
                                                1. Parliment
                                                2. Ch. 17: The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment, 1550-1790
                                                  1. Salons and coffeehouses
                                                    1. Religion
                                                      1. Philosophers and Scientists
                                                        1. literacy in women
                                                        2. Ch 18: Trade and Empire, 1700-1800
                                                          1. Wars
                                                            1. 7 Years War
                                                              1. The War of Austrian succession
                                                              2. Poverty and
                                                                1. 18th century families
                                                                2. Ch: 19
                                                                  1. Fear and Terror
                                                                    1. Peasant Revolt
                                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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