Chapter 2-OSI Model


Mind Map on Chapter 2-OSI Model, created by Joshua Snider on 28/11/2013.
Joshua Snider
Mind Map by Joshua Snider, updated more than 1 year ago
Joshua Snider
Created by Joshua Snider over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 2-OSI Model
  1. Application Layer
    1. Presentation Layer
      1. Session Layer
        1. Transport Layer
          1. Network Layer
            1. Data Link Layer
              1. Physical Layer
                1. The actual "wire". Data called bits
                  1. DEVICES: ethernet cable, IR signals, hubs, extenders
                2. Media Access Control
                  1. Gives the physical MAC addresses
                  2. Logical Link Control
                    1. ID's network layer protocols and encapsulating
                    2. DEVICES: Bridges, Switches. Data called frames
                    3. IP/network addressing. Data called packets
                      1. DEVICES: Routers
                    4. Chooses TCP or UDP and responsible for reliable delivery of UDP. Data called Segments
                      1. Syn, Syn/Ack, Ack
                        1. Flow Control
                          1. Windowing
                            1. Acknowledgements
                          2. Sets up the conversation between the two hosts. Responsible for keeping different applications' data separate. Data called PDU
                          3. Prepares data to be properly formatted for presentation. Also, compression and encryption. Data called PDU
                          4. Evaluates if resources are available and allocates if they are. Data called Protocol Data Unit (PDU)
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