Types of Thinking


Mind Map on Types of Thinking, created by shawnawatersdavi on 27/11/2013.
Mind Map by shawnawatersdavi, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by shawnawatersdavi over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Types of Thinking
  1. Strategic Thinking
    1. Inductive Thinking
      1. put it all together
      2. Deductive Thinking
        1. break it in to pieces
      3. Connection Thinking
        1. How does ? relate to ?
          1. What does ? have to do with ?
            1. How can I use ? to discover ?
              1. If ? is this, then ? must be that
              2. Vertical & Lateral Thinking
                1. Vertical thinking is sequential, systematic, & logical
                  1. Lateral thinking allows you to wander other paths along the way to your solution or goal
                  2. Creative Thinking
                    1. Assemble, design, modify, innovate, create
                      1. Brainstorm & Network
                      2. Cooperative Thinking
                        1. work in study pairs or groups
                          1. create team projects
                            1. optimize skills & talent
                              1. economize think time
                                1. reduce work time
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