Pokémon Web Application


Year 12 Digital Technologies Mind Map on Pokémon Web Application, created by Tom Gu on 19/10/2023.
Tom Gu
Mind Map by Tom Gu, updated 9 months ago
Tom Gu
Created by Tom Gu 9 months ago

Resource summary

Pokémon Web Application
  1. Developer Problems
    1. Coding Environments
      1. Development Tools
        1. Qlearn provides the resources required to complete the documentation of the task
          1. It has resource relating tot he scope of the task and the requirements for the web application
          2. Figma will be used to create the mockup of the web application
          3. Key Algorithms
            1. When the user requests data on a specific attribute of a pokemon, that specific data will be fetched from the corresponding data store, and then will be presented to the user.
              1. The application will be able to order the data correctly according to the selected type of sorting
            2. User Interface
              1. User Interface Components
                1. Landing page or landing page to orient the user
                  1. Menus - drop down to show different attributes that the can be selected or orders the Pokemon the can be sorted by
                    1. Clear easy to read lists that can be sorted to the user's liking
                    2. Usability Principles and Features
                      1. Effectiveness
                        1. Clear Navigation: A clear and intuitive navigation menu allows the user to easily find and access different sections of the gaming platform
                          1. Implementing clear 'return' arrows so users can go back when they enter the wrong page will help them more easily navigate the website or web application.
                          2. Utility
                            1. Features: Easy access to detailed Pokemon information, options to change the selected attribute and sorted order
                              1. App should be updated with new Pokemon releases, moves, abilities, and other game changes to keep users engaged and informed
                              2. Accessibility
                                1. App should be able to be used by as many people as possible, especially those with disabilities.
                                  1. Providing options for larger text, screen readers, and other assistive technologies, so users with disabilities can interact with the app comfortably.
                                2. Learnability
                                  1. The Pokemon app should have an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for new users to navigate and understand its features.
                                    1. Reducing the learning curve, so users can quickly grasp how to use the app effectively.
                                  2. Safety
                                    1. If there is an option to create an account, there should be strong user authentication, encryption for sensitive data.
                                      1. Content and interactions should be safe for younger audiences. Ensure strict content moderation
                                3. Task Requirements
                                  1. Self-Determined Criteria
                                    1. SDC-1 The solution must include an option to order the Pokemon based on different attributes
                                      1. Selected attributes should be simple to swap
                                        1. Sorted lists should be easy to read
                                        2. SDC-2 The solution must be intuitive and simple to navigate
                                          1. There should be a main page that links to each separate statistic
                                            1. Navigation between Pokemon and their evolutions should be possible
                                              1. Clear arrow keys and large visible button to navigate web application
                                            2. Prescribed Criteria
                                              1. Web application uses data from an external data source
                                                1. All Pokémon data must be up to date, accurate and credible
                                                2. Web application displays Pokémon Data from an external data source
                                                  1. The external data source should display stats including Pokémon ID, attack, defense, special attack and defense, generation, name, type, form.
                                                    1. The web application should be able to fetch the data from an external source and display it
                                                    2. Web application allows a user to search the Pokémon statistics
                                                      1. A search bar should be on every page to allow the user to easily navigate to the desired page.
                                                    3. Constraints and Limitations
                                                      1. Time
                                                        1. 6 weeks of class time will be provided to complete the technical proposal of the web application
                                                          1. This includes creating the Figma solution, a complete user analysis as well as a other document features before the feafline.
                                                        2. Data
                                                          1. The provided data may not be comprehensive enough to provide deeper level information on certain topics or Pokemon attributes.
                                                          2. Coding Environment
                                                            1. Distractions will be present during coding process which could limit productivity
                                                              1. Developing a gaming platform whilst using two separate devices (laptop, ipad), could have its implications
                                                                1. Developing a complete online web application for Pokemon stats could be problematic due to limited knowledge of the game/TV show
                                                            2. User Problems
                                                              1. User Persona
                                                                1. User 1 - Professor Oak
                                                                  1. Needs and Expectations
                                                                    1. Goal is to catalogue every known Pokemon in the Pokedex
                                                                      1. Needs a web application that allows him to search for specific Pokemon and order them by different attributes like HP, speed, attack, defense, and generation
                                                                        1. Frustration when web applications do not allow him to arrange the Pokemon he searches for in order of a specific attribute.
                                                                          1. Wants a simple interface without too many confusing menus.
                                                                          2. Details
                                                                            1. Aged 50
                                                                              1. Undergraduate at Uni of Kanto and Celadon, studies in Fuchsia City
                                                                                1. Occupation: Scientist in laboratory in Pallet Town
                                                                                  1. Interested in studying Pokemon's gender distribution
                                                                                    1. Lives in the Kanto Region
                                                                                  2. User 2 - Chris
                                                                                    1. Details
                                                                                      1. Is trying to complete the Pokemon FireRed nuzlocke
                                                                                        1. He is a YouTuber that streams his Pokemon gameplay on YouTube.
                                                                                          1. Age: 13
                                                                                            1. Lives in Brisbane Queensland
                                                                                              1. Studies at Mansfield State High
                                                                                                1. Goals: Wants to get every Pokemon in his party to level 100 and beat the Elite Four
                                                                                                2. Needs and Expectations
                                                                                                  1. He needs stats of each Pokemon in each region so he can see if he can beat them in his nuzlocke
                                                                                                    1. Frustrations: User interfaces which are unintuitive to navigate and headings that are difficult to understand
                                                                                                      1. The user interface should show him the statistics of each Pokemon so he an safely progress through the game without losing any pokemon his nuzlockes.
                                                                                                        1. Buttons on the page should be clear, visible because of his poor eyesight
                                                                                                  2. Impacts
                                                                                                    1. Personal
                                                                                                      1. Users can better plan and strategise their gameplay by keeping track of their Pokemon's stats. This can lead to a more enjoyable gaming experience.
                                                                                                        1. Individuals can use the app as a learning tool, improving their knowledge of the Pokemon world
                                                                                                        2. The application could lead to time management issues, as users may become engrossed in tracking their Pokemon, potentially impacting their productivity.
                                                                                                          1. For those involved in competitive Pokemon battles, the app can help them fine-tune their strategies
                                                                                                          2. Social
                                                                                                            1. Community Building: This application will foster a sense of community among Pokemon fans. They can share Pokemon collections, strategies creating a social platform for like-minded individuals.
                                                                                                              1. It can serve as an educational tool, teaching users about the various Pokemon species and their characteristics.
                                                                                                                1. The app may lead to increased interest in competitive Pokemon battles and tournaments
                                                                                                                2. Economic
                                                                                                                  1. If the app is related to any of the Pokemon games, like Pokemon GO, it could potentially lead to increased in-game purchases, enhancing the economic impact of the Pokemon franchise
                                                                                                                    1. The creators of the application can monetize it through various means, such as in-app purchases, ads, or premium subscription models.
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