

Addresses the core values of activism and advocacy as they were played out in the lives of these pioneers and organizers.
Baiyina House
Mind Map by Baiyina House, updated more than 1 year ago
Baiyina House
Created by Baiyina House about 1 year ago

Resource summary

  1. Activism
    1. Justin Dart
      1. Disability rights cause
        1. Justice denied
          1. Pioneer
            1. Recognization of others.
              1. Martin Luther King Jr.
                1. Community leaders around the country
                2. training sessions
                  1. orginize
                    1. recruit
              2. Advocacy
                1. Judy Heumann
                  1. Empowered
                    1. Family supported
                      1. independence
                      2. Determined to not live out the medical model
                        1. Supported by friends
                          1. denied traditional education
                            1. offered schooling 2x a month
                          2. Fight for your rights
                            1. Bigger than just you
                              1. Fight to be valued
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