Scientific Revolution


The Scientific Revolution (AP European History)
M. Hudson
Mind Map by M. Hudson, updated more than 1 year ago
M. Hudson
Created by M. Hudson about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Scientific Revolution
  1. Astronomy
    1. Galileo
      1. Starry Messenger (1610)
        1. Moon + Sun = imperfect
        2. Brahe
          1. Research on the stars
          2. Copernicus
            1. On the Revelations of Heavenly Spheres
              1. Heliocentrism
              2. Kepler
                1. The New Astronomy (1609)
                  1. Ellipse orbit
                  2. Newton
                    1. Principa Mathematica
                      1. Gravity, galaxy = clockwork
                    2. Scientific Method
                      1. Bacon
                        1. Novum organum (1620)
                          1. Empiricism
                          2. Déscarte
                            1. Discourse on Method
                          3. Philosophy
                            1. Hobbes
                              1. Leviathan (1651)
                                1. Life before gov't = horrible
                                  1. Gov't can't be destroyed
                                    1. Best form of gov't = absolute monarchy
                                  2. Locke
                                    1. Second Treatise on Gov't (1690)
                                      1. Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690)
                                    2. Church's Response
                                      1. Knew they were correct
                                        1. Afraid of SKEPTICISM
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