Hopes and Dreams


I dont know
Jessica Swirtz
Mind Map by Jessica Swirtz, updated more than 1 year ago
Jessica Swirtz
Created by Jessica Swirtz over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Hopes and Dreams
  1. Get married
    1. Challenges
      1. Never been in a relationship before, doesn't know what they want from a relationship, people don't "understand them"
      2. Strenghts
        1. Commited, loyal, provide for signifigant other, funny, smart
      3. Graduate High School
        1. Challenges
          1. Doesn't like going to school, taking tests, reading and writing, easily distracted/discouraged
          2. Strengths
            1. "SUPER SMART", never gotten less than a B, math and science
          3. Play baseball
            1. Challenges
              1. Not very coordinated, doesn't have any free time, parents wont let them play
              2. Strengths
                1. Loves sports, works hard, learns quickly, played T-Ball
              3. Own my own business
                1. Challenges
                  1. Never had a job, not very good with money, not always patient with people who might work for them
                  2. Strengths
                    1. Working with Dad who owns his own business, likes to design their own work, likes to be in charge
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