Music research


Some ideas and research into the soundtracks to film trailers
Mind Map by MILLIE OCONNOR, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by MILLIE OCONNOR over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Music research
  1. Inspiring Trailers
    1. Love, Rosie
      1. 1975- Chocolate
        1. Olly Murs - Right place, Right time
        2. P.S I Love you
          1. upbeat instrumental
          2. The notebook
            1. classical music
            2. PaperTowns
              1. Mikky Ekko - Smile
              2. Miss you already
                1. R.E.M - Losing My Religion
              3. For my trailer
                1. Amount of song/s?
                  1. One?
                    1. One & instrumental?
                      1. Two?
                        1. Two+?
                          1. None
                          2. Type of track
                            1. Classical
                              1. Pop
                                1. Blues
                                  1. Jazz
                                    1. Hip Hop
                                      1. Country
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