The 3 Approaches to Argument


Describes the three approaches to arguments.
Mind Map by casey_lee, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by casey_lee over 9 years ago

Resource summary

The 3 Approaches to Argument
  1. The Classical Approach
    1. Introduction
      1. captures attention of audience
        1. urges audience to consider your case
        2. State the issue
          1. State your position in the issue
            1. Analyze the opposing argument
              1. Develop your whole argument
                1. summarize your important points
                2. The Rogerian Approach
                  1. Introduction
                    1. Briefly states the issue or problem
                    2. A neutral statement of the opponents argument
                      1. A neutral statement of the writers position
                        1. Analysis of what the two positions have in common
                          1. Proposes a compromise
                          2. The Toulmin Approach
                            1. Claim
                              1. The statement you are asking the other person to accept
                              2. Grounds
                                1. The actual backing for your argument
                                2. Warrant
                                  1. Links data and other grounds to the claim
                                  2. Backing
                                    1. Gives additional support to the warrant
                                    2. Rebuttal
                                      1. defending additional counter arguments
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