Differential diagnoses of rounded breast masses


Mind map of differential diagnoses of rounded breast masses
Sally Ayesa
Mind Map by Sally Ayesa, updated more than 1 year ago
Sally Ayesa
Created by Sally Ayesa over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Differential diagnoses of rounded breast masses
  1. Benign lesions
    1. Cyst
      1. Parenchymal cyst
        1. Sebaceous cyst
          1. Epidermal inclusion cyst
          2. Fibroadenoma
            1. Phyllodes tumour
              1. Papilloma
                1. Lactating adenoma
                2. Primary malignant lesions
                  1. Invasive ductal carcinoma
                    1. Medullary carcinoma
                      1. Mucinous (colloid) carcinoma
                        1. Papillary carcinoma
                          1. Intracystic carcinoma
                            1. Adenoid cystic carcinoma
                            2. Secondary malignant lesions
                              1. Contralateral breast cancer
                                1. Lymphoma/leukaemia
                                  1. Melanoma
                                    1. Sarcoma
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