Cognitive Buffer Hypothesis


Mind Map on Cognitive Buffer Hypothesis, created by Jamie Skidoosh T on 11/05/2015.
Jamie Skidoosh T
Mind Map by Jamie Skidoosh T, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by arashi0712 about 9 years ago
Jamie Skidoosh T
Copied by Jamie Skidoosh T about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Cognitive Buffer Hypothesis
  1. The main function of a large brain is to buffer individuals against environmental challenges by facilitating a behavioural response
    1. Basically = provides flexibility in behaviour when facing changes in the environment =easier learning allowing species to overcome ecological challenges
      1. buffer should favour increase survival rates, longer reproductive life compensating for the delayed reproduction associated with growing a large brain
        1. large brains store, process and integrate more info about social and physical environment
          1. increased liklihood that modification of behaviours or invent new ones in adaptive ways
    2. Sol et al, 2005
      1. relocated bird species from native range
        1. establishment success higher for species with bigger brains relative to body size
          1. so brain size is associated with establishment success
            1. inferring species with bigger brains are able to invade novel locations better than conterparts
            2. supports the hypothesis that large brain function may have evolved to deal with changes in the environment
              1. enlarged brains enhance cognitive skills to respond to environmental change
        2. Gonzalez-Lagos et al 2010
          1. analsed data from 493 mammal species
            1. larger brain = longer lifespan = new advantage
              1. more oppertunities to adapt allows to live longer, more chances for reproduction = beneficial for species
                1. compensation for longer embryonic development needed to generate larger brains
                  1. larger brains = longer to sexual maturirty = compensated for longer reproductive life
                    1. hyenas have larger brain than giraffes relative to body size = on av., live longer
                      1. CBH = larger encephalization = larger life span but equally possible long life favours large brains
                        1. thus - possible longer life works on favour of delay of repro cycles allowing progenitors to invest more resources and time in offspring
                          1. leads to formation of stable social groups whose members according to SIH deal with more cognitive demands than lone animals and goes hand in hand with large brains
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