

Year 8/9 Geology Mindmap
Dayyaan Malik
Mind Map by Dayyaan Malik, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Michael LEwis
Created by Michael LEwis about 10 years ago
Dayyaan Malik
Copied by Dayyaan Malik over 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Igneous
    1. Forming
      1. Intrusive
        1. Cooling of magma underground slowly
        2. Extrusive
          1. Cooling of Magma in the air outside of a volcano quickley
        3. Features
          1. Has Holes
          2. Examples
          3. Sedimentary
            1. Metamorphic
              1. Formed for Igneous or Sedimentary through heat or pressure
              2. Crystals
                1. Large
                  1. From over a long period of time
                  2. Small
                    1. Forming over a short period of time
                  3. Stratagraphic formations
                    1. Intrusions
                      1. Nonconformity
                        1. Where metamorphic rocks get piled with layers of sediment
                        2. Disconformity
                          1. Sequence of sedimentary rocks which form an intrusion over it with more sediments
                          2. Angular Unconformity
                            1. Where a tilted layer of sedimentary rock get piled with more sedimentary rocks
                          3. Inclusions
                            1. A solid, liquid or gaseous foriegn body enclosed in a mineral or rock
                            2. Faults
                              1. Transform Faults
                                1. When rocks move sideways along eachother
                                2. Normal Fault
                                  1. Where rocks rubb against eachother up and down and away from eachother
                                  2. Reverse Faults
                                    1. Rubbed against each other diagonally
                                3. 7 Principles of Geology
                                  1. 1- Principle of Uniformitarianism
                                    1. Geological processes which have modified the crust now have woked in the same way over geological time
                                    2. 2-Principle of Intrusive relationships
                                      1. When an igneous rocks cuts into a formation of sedimentary rocks it (intrusion)can be determined that the intrusion is younger than the sedimentary rocks
                                      2. 3- Principle of cross cutting relationships
                                        1. Faults are younger than the rocks they cut
                                        2. 4- Principle of inclusion and components
                                          1. If Sedimentary inclusions are found in a formation it must be older than the formation that contains them
                                          2. 5- Principle of original horizontality
                                            1. States that deposition of sediments occour as horizontal beds
                                            2. 6- The principle of superposition
                                              1. States that a sedimentary layer of rock, in a tectonically undisturbed area is younger than the one beneath it
                                              2. 7- The principle of faunal succession
                                                1. Is based on the appearance of fossils in a sedimentary rocks, this can provide a relative age for the formation
                                              3. Folding
                                                1. Anticline
                                                  1. Rock folded up
                                                  2. Sincline
                                                    1. Rock folded down
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