Strategic Position


Bacharel Strategy Management Mind Map on Strategic Position, created by Lynsey Jones on 28/09/2013.
Lynsey Jones
Mind Map by Lynsey Jones, updated more than 1 year ago
Lynsey Jones
Created by Lynsey Jones almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Strategic Position
  1. Enviroment


    • Influences are layers around org.
    1. Macro-enviroment


      • Outer layer, can be anaylsed with PESTLE-G which helps identify key drivers of change. Scenarios can be constructed according to developed key drivers
      1. PESTLE-G
        1. Drivers of Change
          1. Scenarios
          2. Competitors & Markets
            1. Strategic Group analysis
              1. Market segemenation
                1. Strategy Canavas
                2. Industry and Sector


                  • Middle layer
                  1. Analysis
                    1. Porter's Five forces


                      • Barriers to entry, subsitutes, buyers power, suppliers power and rivalry. Determine industry or sectors attractiveness and can influential for overall performance
                      •  Developed by M Porter in Competitive Strategy – Techniques for Analysing Industries and Competitors   
                    2. Changes Analysis
                      1. Industry life cycle


                        • Five forces power varies with stages of industry life cycle Anita McGahan warns of ‘Maturity mindset’ which can leave managers complacent and slow to responding to new competition.
                        • Stages: Development - experminental, innovation Growth -high growth, low entry barriers Shake-out - growth rate declining, increased rivalry Maturity - low growth, economies of scale Decline - exterme rivalry, high exit barriers dog-eat-dog competition
                        1. Hypercompetitve & cycles of competition


                          • Competitor constantly interact in terms of competitive moves e.g. Price cuts and innovations matched Mutli-Point competition is competitive dynamic between orgs competing in different product or geographical markets
                          • Cycle of competition concept structures are reshaped and created by deliberate strategies of compeitiors
                          • Hypercompetition occurs when frequency, boldness and aggressivenss of dynamic movements by competitors accelerate to create a condition of constant disequilibrum and change
                          1. Comparative five forces radar plots

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