Christians and the Bible


Mind Map on Christians and the Bible, created by rubina.baig on 22/09/2013.
Mind Map by rubina.baig, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rubina.baig almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Christians and the Bible
  1. Many christians belive that the Bible is the word of God and contains teaching on how to live.
    1. The Bible has authority from God about what Christians should believe.
      1. Some Christians believe that only the Bible should be used to decide what is right,wrong and what they should believe.
        1. Christians look into the Ten Commandments ( the Decalogue) in the Bible to help them make decisions.
          1. Different opinions on the authority of the Bible:
            1. The Bible is literally the word of God and is totally right. Some Christians believe God directly told the authors what to write.
              1. The Bible is the word of God but needs to be interpreted by the Church.
                1. The Bible was inspired by God and gives guidance about how to live but needs to be adapted for mordern life.
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