Teacher Development - Made by: Boris Aldofo Trejos


Here is a mind map describing the different types of transitions that can affect children and young people's development.
Iron flower 1989
Mind Map by Iron flower 1989, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by 302778 about 9 years ago
Iron flower 1989
Copied by Iron flower 1989 almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Teacher Development - Made by: Boris Aldofo Trejos
  1. Expectations
    1. New mechanisms to promote equanimous learning
    2. What am I going to learn in this course?
      1. I will learn each one of the necessary competences with the purpose of acquiring new teaching mechanisms
      2. How many units does it have?
        1. Two units
          1. Unit 1: Teacher Development and Strategies to Enhance Teaching Practices
            1. Unit 2: The contribution of research to teachers’ development
        Show full summary Hide full summary


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