Personas for Marketplace website


Brainstorming mind map for creating personas for marketplace website. Part of ASSESSMENT 3: Personas for Certficate IV Web based technology
Osamu Morozumi
Mind Map by Osamu Morozumi, updated more than 1 year ago
Osamu Morozumi
Created by Osamu Morozumi over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Personas for Marketplace website
  1. First Home buyer
    1. most likely visiting website for first time
      1. married
        1. double income
        2. multiple purchases
          1. will likely visit store
          2. House bound internet shopper
            1. low income
              1. may spend a lot of time on internet
                1. comparison shopper
              2. Possibly old or disabled
                1. May live and work in city
                  1. relies on public transport
                    1. delivery fee important
                    2. more tech savvy?
                    3. unlikely to have senior position
                      1. Possibly in University
                        1. Single
                        2. repeat customer
                          1. Comparison shopper
                            1. In store shopper looking for location/prices
                              1. staff
                                1. Regional Shopper
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