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Geography revision
Mind Map on Geography revision, created by Adam Parvin on 02/06/2019.
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key stage 3
Mind Map by
Adam Parvin
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Adam Parvin
over 5 years ago
Resource summary
Geography revision
Key words
Catchment area: how far away people will travel to use a service
Threshold population; the number of people a service needs to be successful
Comparison goods: products that are expensive and not frequently bought
Convenience good: everyday items that are cheap
Footfall: the amount of customers that walk by
Lesson 1 / Changing patterns of retail
Two types of goods: comparison, convience
The catchment area of a local newsagent is small however Ikea has a large catchment area
Shops with a low threshold are shops for example that sell kitchens
Shops with a high threshold are shops like MacDonalds
One advantage of town centre high streets is that there is easy acsess by public transport however parking is difficult
An advantage of a town centre shopping mall is that there is space to develop however it is congested
A positive of out of town retail sites is that there is free parking however it is difficult to get to if you don't have a car
One advantage of suburban shopping centres is that there is free parking however rent is expensive
Lesson 2
The reason why the number of people using online shopping has increased is because t is easier and day to compare
one group of people say its easier
The other say they like the interactive experience
Positive impacts include
people that live in remote locations
Companies get more money from the people that I've in the countryside
Less fuems are released due to people not driving there and back
Negative impacts
People that work in local shops may lose there job
Independent shops lose money
More lorries incense air pollution
More shops are closing down due to the ease of online shopping and the increasing rent
3 reasons high street shops are closing
Convenience of online shopping
online gives consumers more choice
the success of out of town retail
Shops closing down mean less people visit the high street and increase crime
The ways to make a high street more appealing is to have more recognised and rarer shops as well as more family friendly space
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