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Animal Farm: Napoleon
Year 10 English (Animal Farm) Mind Map on Animal Farm: Napoleon, created by Sarah Stanley on 03/04/2019.
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gcse english
english language
english literature
animal farm
gcse animal farm
animal farm
year 10
Mind Map by
Sarah Stanley
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Sarah Stanley
almost 6 years ago
Resource summary
Animal Farm: Napoleon
He constantly places himself before others
"Reputation for getting his own way"
He sees himself as better than the other animals
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"
Believes that he doesn’t have to work like the rest because of his superiority
He changes the Seven amendments of Animalism to benefit himself
Changes "No animal shall drink alcohol" to "No animal shall drink alcohol in excess amounts"
Knows that the other animals will not be able to easily detect the changes
Shows how easily he is able to forget the ideals of Animalism he once made, and followed.
Criticises Snowballs plans for the Windmill
Later takes them himself, and happily takes full credit for the idea
Excludes everyone else when deciding who would be the President of Animal Farm
"There was only one candidate, Napoleon"
Napoleon uses the animals lack of intelligence to benefit himself
increasing the pigs human behaviour
Wearing Clothing
Drinking Alcohol
Taking part in trade
Residing in Jones' house
He also distorts him image via the use of Propaganda, spread by Squealer
Makes himself appear as a Hero
Makes Squealer appear as a traitor
Gets rid of Sunday meetings
Takes away freedom of speech
Rids the animals of the little power they once had
Makes them especially vulnerable to Propaganda
Makes it nearly impossible for the other animals to challenge his rules
"A pile of corpses lying before Napoleon’s feet"
The trials in Chapter 7
Napoleons ruthless attitude and motivation to get his own way, refers to Stalin
Stalin drifted from the original principles, to his own form of rules
The Seven Commandments being changed
Napoleon doesn’t care about the well-being of the other animals
Adopts Jessie and Bluebells puppies to train them so they could join his ‘army’ and benefit him
"Napoleon took them away from their mothers, saying that he would make himself responsible for their education."
They reappear later to throw out Snowball
"Nine enormous dogs"
Reference to Joseph Stalin
Stalin means ‘Man of Steel’, which is what Napoleon can be interpreted as.
Stalin was responsible for the death of 22 Million
Napoleon kills the animals in the trials
Claiming they ‘committed a crime and deserved to be punished’
More likely he was killing for entertainment
Stalin was power hungry
Would get rid of the opposition to assure he got it
Similar to how Napoleon threw out Snowball and tried to get rid of Boxer
Stalin created ‘The Ministry of Power’
Napoleons pack of 9 dogs
The Windmill
Reference to ‘Stalin’s Five Year Plan
He tried to dramatically improve restructure industry and agriculture
Demanding productivity targets were set
If they were not met, they would be blamed on treachery and sabotage
‘Animal Hero First Class’ and ‘Animal Hero Second Class’ are references to “Rise of the Cult of the Worker Hero”
Praised those who followed the productivity rules and exceeded beyond expectations
Controlled the information/media that was being spread around
Falsely reported on the productivity in an attempt to make their workers, work harder.
Many workers die due to over-exertion, fatigue and starvation.
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