Abbasid Empire


World History Mind Map on Abbasid Empire, created by jitterco on 16/10/2014.
Mind Map by jitterco, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jitterco over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Abbasid Empire
  1. Islam spread to India
    1. Muslims invaded
      1. Muhammad ibn Qasim conquers Sind in 711
        1. Mahmud of Ghazni invades in early 1000s
          1. Muhammad of Ghur conquers N India in late 1100s
            1. Qutb-ud-din Aibak founds state centered at Delhi in early 1200s
              1. Conquest was not as successful in gaining converts as peaceful contacts were
      2. Muslim communities
        1. assimilated
          1. adopted Indian customs
          2. Muslims and Hindus socially separate
          3. Few converts
            1. Islam incompatible with Hinduism
              1. low-caste and outcastes
                1. equality appealed to them
                2. Buddhists
                  1. Sufis were similar to gurus
                  2. Muslims gained Indian knowledge
                    1. "Arabic" numberals
                  3. Islam spread to Southeast Asia
                    1. Shrivijaya fell
                      1. Buddhist trading kingdom
                        1. opportunity for Islam to spread
                        2. First in port cities
                          1. Muslim cities and merchants had more benefits
                          2. Spread by trade
                            1. Spread by Sufis
                              1. Syncretism
                                1. Kept local gods
                                  1. Women better status
                                    1. More mystical
                                  2. The status of women declined
                                    1. Harem
                                      1. Veil
                                        1. No opportunities, rights, or freedom
                                          1. Why?
                                            1. Growing importance of merchants
                                              1. Influence from other empires
                                            2. Invasions took place
                                              1. Buyids in 945
                                                1. Regional dynasty from Persia
                                                2. Seljuk Turks in 1055
                                                  1. central Asian nomads
                                                    1. persecuted Shi'a
                                                      1. toppled Byzantine Empire
                                                        1. foundation for Ottoman Empire
                                                      2. Mongols in 1200s
                                                        1. led by Chinggis Khan
                                                          1. grandson Hulegu captured Baghdad in 1258 and ended dynasty
                                                        2. Crusades
                                                          1. first in 1096
                                                            1. Europeans adopted Islamic achievement
                                                              1. led to Renaissance
                                                              2. Saladin
                                                                1. reconquered Holy Land in late 1100s
                                                            2. The empire was politically declining
                                                              1. Bad rulers
                                                                1. al-Madhi
                                                                  1. Harum al-Rashid
                                                                  2. Became pawns
                                                                  3. No rule of succession
                                                                    1. Palace intrigue
                                                                      1. Personal armies of royals who want throne
                                                                      2. Decline of infrastructure
                                                                        1. Luxury
                                                                          1. financial drain
                                                                            1. heavy taxes
                                                                              1. revolts
                                                                          2. Constant Shi'a rebellion
                                                                            1. Loss of territory
                                                                              1. Regional kingdoms form and challenge Abbasids
                                                                            2. It was a golden age of learning
                                                                              1. Persian literature
                                                                                1. Shah-Nama by Firdawsi
                                                                                2. Math
                                                                                  1. improved on Greeks
                                                                                  2. Chemistry
                                                                                    1. Medicine
                                                                                      1. hospitals
                                                                                        1. world's best doctors
                                                                                        2. Art
                                                                                          1. Rugs and tapestries
                                                                                            1. Mosques and temples
                                                                                            2. Religion evolving
                                                                                              1. Ulama
                                                                                                1. orthodox scholars
                                                                                                  1. suspicious of outside influence
                                                                                                2. Sufis
                                                                                                  1. mystics
                                                                                                    1. spread Islam
                                                                                                  2. al-Ghazali
                                                                                                    1. tries to fuse Greek and Qur'anic traditions
                                                                                                  3. Trade
                                                                                                    1. Indian Ocean
                                                                                                      1. Luxury goods travel far
                                                                                                        1. Basic necessities go shorter distances
                                                                                                          1. Ideas
                                                                                                            1. Technology diffusion
                                                                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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