Age & Memory


undergraduate Psychology of Ageing and Dementia Mind Map on Age & Memory, created by Olivia Dohren on 15/10/2014.
Olivia Dohren
Mind Map by Olivia Dohren, updated more than 1 year ago
Olivia Dohren
Created by Olivia Dohren over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Age & Memory


  • Blanchard-fields and Hess(1996)
  1. neuropsychological perspectives


    • Park & Schwarz (2002) chapter 6
    1. frontal lobe theory


      • West (1996)
      1. neural noise


        • Wellford
        1. sulci become more prominent due to cell loss
          1. reduced dendritic branching
            1. reduced concentration of NTs
              1. intracellular (within cell) changes
                1. reduced cerebral blood flow
                  1. age related atrophy in hippocampus, frontal lobes and cerebellum
                    1. similar to HM
                  2. memory


                    • Park & Schwarz chapter 5 - discuss each memory type and evidence
                    1. important to breakdown memory into different components...
                      1. age differences increase as cognitive/environmental support decreases


                        • Bunce et al (2003) cognitive support
                        1. attribute age effects to memory system (episodic/semantic) or memory structure (LTM, WM etc)
                        2. LTM
                          1. Episodic
                            1. consistent eveidence for age deficits
                              1. memory for life events
                              2. Semantic
                                1. no age effects
                                  1. world knowledge
                                  2. Procedural
                                    1. no age affects
                                      1. driving car
                                        1. playing piano
                                        2. primacy information
                                        3. STM
                                          1. WM
                                            1. age effects
                                              1. processing component
                                              2. actively processing information 'on-line'
                                              3. Primary Memory
                                                1. no age effects
                                                  1. passively holding information in mind
                                                  2. recency information
                                                  3. Implicit vs explicit memory
                                                    1. implicit - unconscious processes, no age effects
                                                      1. explicit - conscious, age effects
                                                        1. hippocampus and frontal lobes
                                                          1. ageing adults show frontal lobe and explicit memory declines
                                                        2. dissociation through Amnesic and Korsakoff patients
                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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