G3b Geography


A quick overview of the processes of enquiry for the WJEC G3B
Mind Map by kerry.harris, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kerry.harris almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

G3b Geography
  1. Planning


    • What theories did you use? What are your hypotheses? Risk assessments? Sampling regime? Data collection techniques? Pilot surveys?
    1. Data Collection


      • What was your sampling regime? How did you collect your primary data? Why did you need this data? Quantitative? Qualitiative? Different techniques?
      1. Data presentation


        • What data did you use for each technique? Why did you choose this technique? Make sure you justify the technique and explain how it helps you answer your kq's or hypotheses
        1. Graphs


          • State
          1. Maps


            • Maps can be sources of primary and secondary data. How will you use your map in each stage of the enquiry?
            1. Other


              • What other ways did you use to present quantitative data? Qualitative data? Did you use GIS? How could you use GIS?
            2. Data Analyis
              1. Describe the patterns and trends


                • You must know your results! You will need to learn numbers, facts and figures.
                1. Explain the patterns and trends


                  • Give reasons  and make sure that you compare it to theory. Is this what the theory states you should find? Justify - give reasons why it does or does not fit the theory. Explain anomalies
                  1. Statistical techniques


                    • What techniques did you use and why did you use them? What do they show? Mean, median, mode, standard deviation, chi square, Spearman Rank, Nearest Neighbour. What data did you use to calculate?
                  2. Conclusions


                    • What did you find out? Summarise the main findings of your report. Accept or reject your hypotheses- give reasons why and use data analysis to do this. Answer the big question i.e your title
                    1. Evaluation


                      • How would you make your enquiry better? Think of ways you could imporove every stage. Would you change your hypotheses? Why? What would they be next time?
                      • Evaluate each stage of the enquiry. If you did it again - What would you change? Why would you change it? How would you change it?  Remember the main reason that you are changing it is to improve your results!
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